Airline Terms & Conditions
The Terms & Conditions of Western Air will be enforced to ensure the fair and proper use of our community and facilities. All members are required to comply with these rules and any member that fails to comply with these ‘Terms & Conditions’ may be subject to dismissal. Any member suspected of being in breach of these rules will be subject to investigation and members may be subject to a permanent ban if found to be purposely breaching these rules. Western Air reserves the right to change these Terms & Conditions if required at any time.
- Members must be in possession of FS2020 or FSX.
- Members must be at least 16 years of age.
- Members must be able to complete at least one flight per calendar month.
- Members must submit their identity along with a valid and up to date email address.
- Members must activate their account after signing up with Western Air within 7 days. Failure to activate their account will result in that member being removed from the pilot roster.
- Members must show professionalism, courtesy, and good manners within the community to other members, non-members, guests, and new users both offline and online.
- All persons wishing to be a member of Western Air must submit their application personally and must not permit applications on their behalf.
- There is no obligation for members to fly online or a remote server but it is regarded as beneficial to all members to fly online using the UK317/Western Air server.
- Members must not be abusive, threatening, or discriminatory towards any other member. Failure to comply with this condition may result in dismissal from Western Air without notice or the possibility of appeal.
- We reserve the right to remove any member for any reason whatsoever felt necessary for the greater good of Western Air and the wider community.
- The member may not be a member of another Virtual Airline.
Transfer Of Hours
We will allow a new member signing up to transfer their hours previously built from another airline. However, this rule is only valid up to 7 days from the date of their signing up. We do not allow the transfer of hours from IVAO, VATSIM or any kind of online flight, the hours must be from flying for another airline. The name of your previous airline must be provided on requesting transfer of hours and evidence may be required as proof of such hours and activity.
New Pilot
New members must complete their first flight within 7 days of signing up to Western Air. New members can only request leave of absence after successfully completing their first flight for Western Air.
Pilot Inactivity
A pilot must fly at least once per calendar month, or the pilot may be subject to removal from Western Air. Any pilot requiring leave of absence is required to complete a leave of absence request form on the Western Air website. Leave of absence does not have to be authorized but if it is suspected that such leave of absence is being abused then the pilot may be subject to removal.
Staff Inactivity
If staff members do not come onto Team-speak at least once a week they will be warned and if such non-appearance continues, they may lose their position as staff. Should staff fail to complete their duties as staff members they may be subject to losing their position. Staff will be entitled to leave of absence, but they must inform the CEO prior to their application for leave. Staff will be required to fly only for Western Air and they must fly at least once a week. Staff failing to fly at least once per week may incur their dismissal from that position.
The Use Of Acars
Members must use the Sim program correctly and honestly. All flights must be flown with that of the aircraft type scheduled for that route, that is, if a B737-800 is scheduled, then a B737-800 must be used. Members not using the correct aircraft scheduled will receive up to two warnings. A third instance of fail to use the correct aircraft may result in that member receiving dispatch routes from their Hub Manager or even a suspension period. Pilots must report aircraft damage during flight to their Hub Manager. Consistent damage may require the member to complete a checkout flight with one of the approved instructors.
Pilots are required to request routes or aircraft fleet from their Hub Manager. Pilots are required to submit to their Hub Managers any flights that fail for any reason. The member can claim flight time for flights that are not completed due to FSX crashes, connection issues, or Acars failing to monitor a flight though a claim for such flight hours may be subject to a request for evidence.
Jump seating may only be permitted if members are jumping between hubs within the Virtual Airline. Jump seating is not authorized if members wish to jump seat back to any hub from a destination they have flown to. The member must fly from that destination back to a hub within the airline. Members must not leave any aircraft at any destination other than that of any hub within the airline.
Member Termination
We may terminate or suspend your account immediately, without prior notice or liability, for any reason whatsoever, including without limitation if you breach the Terms. Upon termination, your right to use the Service will immediately cease. If you wish to terminate your account, you may simply discontinue using the Service.